Sunday, March 27, 2005

Count Brass

The good lines from Count Brass by Moorcock

"By pretending to search for the truth, by pretending that he was single-minded in that quest, he was able to escape it. For the truth of his situation might have been intolerable to him.
And that was ever the way of Mankind."

describing the pitching of a ship:
"... for this damned ship is inclined to pitch like an unwilling virgin at times."

on dreams and reality

"... And corum, now acting as a mediator himself, said: 'It is all dreaminf, if you like. All Existance.'
Elric made a dismissive gesture which Hawkmoon found a trifle irritating. 'Dream or reality, the expirience amounts to the same, does it not?'
Erekose's smile was soulful, 'quite right.'

"...'Gods and their examples are not needed by those who respect themselves, and, consequently, respect others. Gods are for children, for little, fearful people who would have no responsibility to themselves or their fellows."

"...'Chaos is not wholly evil, surely?' said the child. 'And neither is law wholly good. They are primitive definitions at best - they represent only tempermental preferences in individual men and women. "

"Justice... is the enemy of fear"
[the devil is fear personified in the book]

"...'Gods are but metaphors.' said Orland Fank. 'As metaphors they might be very acceptable - but they should never be allowed to become beings in their own right.' Again he cleared his throat, seemingly embarassed by his next remark, 'The wine of poetry turns to poison when it comes to politics eh?' "

"...It is an art to make simple morality work in a complicated world"

" there anything duller than a reformed cynic?"

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