Sunday, April 10, 2005

relative stuff

I HAVE to clean my room today, because relatives are coming over. The daughter of the sister-in-law OF, someone who can be considered to be my grand-aunt but is the daughter of my grandfather's sister. Phew. Anyway, I've never met them, (her family)and they are coming over, so I have to clean my room. My room is so untidy, that I am sleeping on a mattress in the living room ever since the geodisian dome was built and tried out. That was also because of the extereme mumbai summer heat, cant imagine what the extereme savannah summer heat would be like eh? Anyway - so today I have to clean the room.
Was about to do it yesterday... but lot of things happened. YEsterday night I was reading earl aubec. Have to blog the good moorcockisms!

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