Sunday, May 15, 2005

Aout today

Got up early morning. Actually wanted to get up early morning, got up late, because I slept late, because I was reading HP4 into the night while eating popcorn and some wierd fruit. Got up at around eight fifteen, was in the pool by eight forty. Can't believe all that happened today. Big day. Anyway, got into the pool and struggled to learn swimming. came to know that the difficult part is not propulsion, but amazingly enough breathing. I learnt the butterfly stroke, and could go as far as I could hold my breath. Finally learned to swim somewhat by kicking my legs, and keeping my neck bent backwards to a great degree, and flailing my arms. this suddenly failed a few times, and I ended up taking in water.
Came home, had really good dosa with white chutney and headed over to a friend's place. Was the first there. We all met up, actually I was the second.. but...
anyway, so we played UNO, wierd rules, non-new-zealand rules, then had food, then a game of bluff that lasted way too long, I didn't lose, and then we had lunch, the food was just starters. Ice-cream and fruits followed, then we went on a small walk up this hill...
which is going to be one hell of a blog, am going to do that sometime later. LOADS of pics. Came home at around eight, headed straight to eden woods to play badminton, which they didn't, so came home and am doing this now. IE has crashed, so I want to download slim browser. Had dosa with green chutney while listening to classical music over the net... and reading HP4. want to listen to classic irish celetic folk. Cool genre. Anyway, will sleep now, or blog the up a hill blog.
Have to go tommorrow to get forms, so tommorrow is in all probability also going to be a big day. No progress on the best seat thesis, but I will have photos to back me up tommorrow. Probably buying a pass, which is good, and will work for me. Also, there are plans that we all will meet up tommorrow too... and in the evening I have to go play badminton at six thirty, but I wanna watch all of simpsons at six. so we'll see. Ameya called up this morning showing interest to make a star wars spoof. I will have to come up with a script for that now. Damn.

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