Sunday, July 31, 2005

Correct usage of terms.

I have always thought of political correctness as a politically correct way of saying something totally incorrect. With feminism or political correctness call it whatever you want, coming into full force recently, you suddenly have school forms requiring ‘parent’s signature’ instead of ‘father’s signature’ and certain corporate terms like ‘manpower’ being converted to ‘workforce’. The 'policeman' is now the 'police officer'. A 'chairperson' has replaced a 'chairman'. 'Mankind' to 'humankind' and 'manhours' to 'workdays' are other examples, But for this transformation to be complete, why don’t things work the other way? Like why isn’t India now referred to as ‘our beloved parentland?’ OR why don't we speak in out 'parenttoungue'? I was searching for other examples, but turns out that there are few. I asked this wo.. person, "are there any jobs that are specefic only to women?" and she burst out laughing and said I shouldn;t ask such questions. I understood what she was referring to, and my emberassed silence was mistaken for innocent wonder, so anyway.... on the other hand, pretending this hasn't happened would be politically incorrect, especially since 'stewerdesses' are now 'flight attendants'.


Ar said...

dude, u hit the spot...u also hit the spot with the wo-person!!

i feel, politically correct r for the uptight who hope to make some kind of causality paradox w/o the usage of a time machine to travel back.

Goan Pao said...

well said my ma* i mean person...
Like child is the parent of man..
Get George Michaels to change his song to I will be your parent figure...

and if some one behaves with you do you get personhandled
Im sorry that I no longer manage people but rather personage them
last but not the least what do you call a sorry i used the W word.....