Thursday, July 28, 2005

The diary of Anne Frank

Started reading the book called Anne Frank: the diary of a young girl. Thought that it would be one of those boring war books that no one ever reas. I saw the book by chance in this second hand bookstore, and decided that I would buy it since it was around thirty buks. That's like dirt cheap for such a book. It was one of those books that you don't really want to read, but have to read just to say that you have read it. Like wings of fire by our president.
But it was totally different. You know one of those books that you always wanted which says exactly what is going on in a girl's mind, unguarded from judgement? This is THE book for that. For example, she talks about the supressions of Jews in one chapter in a very matter of fact manner, she talks about the "amusing" and overly amourous actions of boys in the next chapter, again in a more or less matter - of - fact manner, and in the next chapter she gets all worried about a looming teacher's meeting. The book is FUNNY. Who the hell would expect a war book to be funny? This one is a MUST READ.

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