Wednesday, October 12, 2005

2 days to go for exams.

2 days to go before the exams, and I am blogging using word. Stupidest thing I have ever done, will regret this after the exams as always, but what the hell, there is always the safety margin of the KTs.
Why the fuck hasn’t MS word yet learnt the spelling of a bloody blog?
Anyway, I thought of studying history, knew some of it, know that I can study the rest, eco was, as always, unthinkable of, so I spent the day reading Intially, Q&A by Vikas Swarup really innovative idea, of explaining how a guy from the slums knew the answers to the questions from a quiz show, but when he tries to ix fact with fiction, he does in in a fashion that can be referred to with anything but something analogous to elegant. Get what I mean? He goofs up, big time, bad diction, sloppy writing et cetera. Amazing concept wasted, makes reading the book a difficult thing to do. You feel queasy about the style and language used. You will not stick to the book for long, unless you want it to be said that you have read the book.
I turned to Artemis fowl, something I purchased for something like seventy bucks, only two chapters into the book.
Although, this book, at least, should get the award for the most artistic use of the word “motherfucker.” Even your naani will not blush by the way and context in which it is used in this book.
Then again, I may be hardened, and this may only be with reference to other books. Cannot believe doubleday found this worthy of publication though. Maybe I should approach them. Have to start writing. That’s it, this vacation, I am writing a book.

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