Saturday, October 22, 2005

erm... ... .... .....

I just hope no friend reads this blog. Coolest thing ever happened today. Went and met the prof and found out that I had topped in one of the projects for one of the subjects. Feels nice, although I know I will be middlish in my overall marks.

I have had no hangover. Hopefully going to Bangalore tomorrow...

reading Animal Farm by George Orwell right now... pretty, boring book.

Will do the 55 word story thing right now.

Titled: Ego

Sita heard the cry. Lakshman knew that it was the enemy’s devilish magic.
Sita asked him to go help her husband. Lakshman explained to her that it was impossible for any tragedy to befall him.
Sita reasoned. Lakshman remained truthful to his orders.

Sita accused him of being a traitor and a spy.

Lakshman left.

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