Thursday, November 17, 2005

The contents of her bag

Mailed it to blogger, but somehow the post did not show up. Maybe its just me or maybe its the erratic manner in which computers work. Anyway, here is the post, salvaged from the sent mails folder/label in gmail.

The exercise was that someone would have to go onstage and reveal the contents of their bag. the other writer volunteered...

The writer removed the contents of her bag. It was not at all surprising that a few books came out, most of them written by her. What was surprising that a load of money came out. Writers and money have much the same relationship as talent show starlets and fame. Not meant to be together, against the order of nature, something terribly unnatural. A little further explanation revealed that the money, was infact, from her father, and I realised that the universe was its usual self - if not a normal one.
Another terribly unnatural thing was Hrithik Roshan. He adorned her bag, defaced and vulgarised more than high school students do with the pictures of him on their notebooks. He was dressed as a drag queen or her forthcoming film. That was worse than being lent a moustache, glasses and various piercings in places I do not want to explore thanks to the ball-point pens of students who are utilising their time for purposes better than education.

Stopped there because the time was up...

Should probably put in a more detailed sketch of the contents of MY bag.

1) A 32 MB memcard that came with my mobile phone, which is now dead.
2) A 256 MB memcard, that I purchased with sodexho passes, an almost impossible thing to do as I have already blogged about. Also for my mobile phone
3) A memcard reader from lamington road, purchased with a friend who was then a stranger. Somewhat.
4) A Michael Moorcock book. I read him because of his secret agenda that shows through...
5) Assorted pieces of paper that have their prints worn through....

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