Friday, February 24, 2006


If you even TRIED to pronounce that you need a life. Or at least, some really hard words to pronounce. I guess its the life part more, but try something like "says". Or, try really hard words to pronounce like "climb" or "lamb" or "comb" or to throw in a tough one, "plumber". For prats like you, that ought to be damned difficult. (BTW, just for kicks, all the Bs are silent). Or try something like "refrigerator" or "sentience" or "concentration" or even, for that fucking matter, "pronounciation." People almost always get these wrong, so don't think going "ray-freej-eh-rator" is the right way to "pro-nOUn-ss" it. Damn you, go ahead and get "honorificabilitudinitatibus" or "floccinaucinihilipilification" or even the simple "deantidestablishmentarianism" right and that would give George W Bush Jr a run for his oil.
Don't think about all of that... think about geting your life... I desperately need one. Donno why I even bother to blog. Dammit, this early in the morning, I just wanted to note that I was going to sleep now... ended up farting the above, and there was this long thing about why stooopid people blog... but screw that.
You think so? "says" is "sezz".
And don't even think about getting "think" right.


Anorion said...


Anonymous said...

you were better of with your booze MJ... go get a drop!

Anorion said...

@ anonymous: go get yourself some pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanosis.

@ the bap of all dylans: nothing hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian about it.

Mihir said...

achha hai...

Anorion said...

@Mihir: Yeah man, just Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious...

Goan Pao said...

kewl..that got my right and left halves working....
Im gonna read this blog earlier in the day when my brain needs that kind of stimulation not later in the day when it goes floccinauci WTF its the word from that AD and if those geeks couldnt get it why do u wanna try.
If you wanna try pronouncing poem....

PerfumesReviewer said...

Kinky as in K I N K Y