Sunday, June 04, 2006

Junkyard Jam

"One Night Band - Started off with 'Coldplays - Yellow'. Overall it was pulled off okay with the vocalist going off on a couple of notes and the little lead bits were a bit fuzzy. Next was an original and the intro was the normal cliche A G F E C D type into after that it was more or less okay something in the tuning/patches seemed a bit off."


"Hilarious. The Coldplay/Radiohead thing was awesome. Chirag's voice/ guitar playing has really improved. Shiva too from the time we last jammed. Vivi is a rockstar. Palli had problems but kept his end up. Chirag's expressions were rather priceless."


" Excellent performance over all. Really enjoyed watching Chirag perform. Made me smile Just work on Last Kiss a bit more..."

in one gig. The second gig was actually at a Junkyard, and it was pretty fun... I'll just paste my emusicpost review... I actually liked Isodope for some reason, probably for their enthusiasm to perform... it looked like they were living their dreams. I thought Kastadyne was castardine... nice set. Was nice to see the expression of shock (was looking at Riju at that point of time) when the music shifted from creep to yellow. People should have checked out the terrace we caught new monks emoticon from there... was staring open mouthed at riju's base... missed toxic prophecy but devoid was amazing - didn't know which band member to stare at with my mouth open. Moshed for the heck of it... thought it would be a piece of cake after moshmania but it was stupid to stand in the centre and invite people... had fun though... the sound was really great... I was trying to start an applause but was one of the few clapping so it appeared sarcastic... thanks C.O.R.E. and Mihir. great gig. And as Robert Plant would put it...

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