Wednesday, June 07, 2006


So here is something to really think about. We call ourselves sentient and therefore different from normal animals. We think we know ourselves and there is no question about THAT but we also think that just because we know that the reflection in the mirror is not another creature irritatingly aping us, we feel that we can think on our own and each do our own thing. In short each of us is unique and special... however we might all be conformists, our behaviour may just be a sort of an amalgamated aping of all the thousands of things we percieve around us. We may not really be thinking for ourselves at all, but collectively doing what everyone else is doing and there are enough permutations and combinations to make each one of us "unique."

For example, the argument is borrowed from Chrichton's "the lost world"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i 2 hav been thinking bout this phenomena ever since...